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As you know, here at MLGE we have been able to provide Art to our students, and are one of the only Elementary schools to be able to do so. We have been able to do this through our PTO. PTO funds the entire Art program at MLGE.


1. Art helps kids learn­ to engage and persist.

2. Art enhances critical thinking skills. 

3. Art helps children communicate emotions.

4. Art gets kids motivated about school, especially at risk students.

5. Art benefits student achievement.

6. Art increases self-esteem, creativity, and achievement. 


Our students love the Art program. In order to enhance and make our program even better going forward, we are asking for your support!


Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

Donate Art supplies; participate in PTO Fundraisers!


Thank you for your support of our Art program!

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